Banner St Andrews
Landscape: St A Town and Sea
University of Edinburgh
Sapienza Universita di Roma
PAscal (2009)
Dhanapriya Dhanapriya (2010)
Ewha Woman University (Seoul-Korea)
PbSe nanoParticles IFFT Pattern
Heriot Watt University
Queen's University Belfast
Scottish Funding Council
PAscal (2007)
Organic Semiconductor Centre
St Andrews University
Location St A - UK map
View of St A and Towards the Sea
View of St A from West Sand
HnC Logo
Sea from St Andrews View of a Beach around St A
View of Castle Sand at St A
View of St A under the Sun
View of Market Street at St A
View of St A Cathedral
View of the Harbour of St A
Royal Society
Colloidal InN nanoTubes
PbSe nanoParticles Absorption Spectra
ZnO nanoRods
ZnO nanoRods
ZnO nanoRods
Colloidal CdSe nanoParticles Colloidal CdSe nanoParticles
Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles
Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles
PbSe nanoParticles
Silver nanoParticles
Silver nanoParticles
Silver nanoFibres
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver Cubes-Pyramids-Rods
Micelles & Surfactants
Micelles for Colloidal Syntheses
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer
POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer
Dendron Dendron
Dendron Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Dendrimer
Shu (2008)
University of St Andrews
Colloidal Silver Cubes-Pyramids
University of Glasgow
Inorganic Dendrimer Core

Publications (Peer Reviewed)

Other sources include

HnC - 2017  - 2016  - 2015  - 2014  - 2013  - 2012  - 2011  - 2010  - 2009  - 2008  - BFRI





Charge-Transfer Dynamics and Nonlocal Dielectric Permittivities Tuned with Metamaterial Structures as Solvent Analogues
K.J. Lee, Y. Xiao, J.H. Woo, E.S. Kim, D. Kreher, A.-J. Attias, F. Mathevet, J.-C. Ribierre, J.W. Wu, P. André*
Nature Materials (2017, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4907) , arXiv





Dynamical Torque in Cox Fe3-x O4  nano-Cube Thin Films Characterized by Femtosecond Magneto-Optics: a π-Shift Control of the Magnetization Precession
M. Vomir, R. Turnbull, I. Birced, P. Parreira, D. A. MacLaren, S L. Lee, P. André,* J.-Y. Bigot
NanoLetters (2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02618)



Structure-Charge Transfer Property Relationship in Self-Assembled Discotic Liquid-Crystalline Donor-Acceptor Dyad and Triad Thin Films
K. J. Lee, J. H. Woo, Y. Xiao, L. M. Mazur, E. Kim, A.-J. Attias, K. Matczyszyn, M. Samoc, B. Heinrich, S. Mery, F. Fages, L. Mager, A. D’Aleo, J.W. Wu, F. Mathevet, P. André,* J.-C. Ribierre
RSC Advances 6, 57811 (2016)



Silicide Induced Surface Defects in FePt nanoParticle fcc -to-fct  Thermally Activated Phase Transition
S. Chen, S. L. Lee, P. André *
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 417, 442 (2016) , arXiv 1602.07804



Enhanced Organic Solar Cells Efficiency through Electronic and Electro-optic Effects Resulting from Charge Transfers in Polymer Hole Transport Blends
C.T. Howells, K. Marbou, H. Kim, K.J. Lee, B. Heinrich, S.J. Kim, A. Nakao, T. Aoyama, S. Furukawa, J.H. Kim, E. Kim, F. Mathevet, S. Mery, I. D.W. Samuel, A. Al Ghaferi, M.S. Marcus, M. Uchiyama, S.Y. Kim, J.W. Wu, J.-C. Ribierre, C. Adachi, D.W. Kim, P. André *
Journal of Material Chemistry A 4, 4252 (2016) , arXiv 1512.04314





In-situ Formation and Photo-patterning of Emissive Quantum Dots in Organic Small Molecules
A. K. Bansal, M.T. Sajjad, F. Antolini, L. Stroea, P. Gečys, G. Raciukaitis, P. André, A. Hirzer, V. Schmidt, S. Allard, U. Scherf, I.D.W. Samuel
nanoScale 7, 11163 (2015)



Fabrication of Free-Standing Ordered Fluorescent Polymer nanoFibres by Electrospinning
J.R.Y. Stevenson, S. Lattante, P. André, M. Anni, G.A. Turnbull
Applied Physics Letters 106, 173301 (2015)



Ambipolar Organic Field-Effect Transistors based on Solution-Processed Single Crystal Microwires of a Quinoidal Oligothiophene Derivative
J.-C. Ribierre, Z. Li, S. Furukawa, T. Kikitsu, D. Inoue, A. Muranaka, K. Takaishi, T. Muto, D. Hashizume, M. Uchiyama, P. André, C. Adachi, T. Aoyama
Chemical Communication 51, 5836 (2015)





Non-Volatile Organic Memory with sub-Millimetre Bending Radius
R.H. Kim, H.J. Kim, I. Bae, S.K. Hwang, D.B. Velusamy, S.M. Cho, K. Takaishi, T. Muto, D. Hashizume, M. Uchiyama, P. André, F. Mathevet, B. Heinrich, T. Aoyama, D.E. Kim, H. Lee, J.-C. Ribierre, C. Park
Nature Communication 5, 3583 (2014)



Intraluminal Magnetisation of Bowel by Ferromagnetic Particles for Retraction and Manipulation by Magnetic Probes
Z. Wang, P. André,* D. McLean, S.I. Brown, G.J. Florence, A. Cuschieri
Medical Engineering & Physics 36, 11, 1521 (2014)



Electrical Conductivity Measurement in Thiel-Embalmed Tissue Model: Relevance to Radiofrequency Ablation
Z. Wang, H. Luo, M. Nick, M. Gueorguieva, P. André, R. T. Baker, D. McLean, S. Brown, A. Cuschieri
Electronics Letters 50, 16, 1125 (2014)



Mucoadhesive Polymer Films for Tissue Retraction in Laparoscopic Surgery: Ex-vivo Study on their Mechanical Properties
Z. Wang, L.R. Tai, D. McLean, E.J. Wright, G.J. Florence, S.I. Brown, P. André, A. Cuschieri
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 24, 1, 445 (2014)





Magnetic Retraction of Bowel by Intraluminal Injectable Cyanoacrylate-Based Magnetic Media
Z. Wang, A. Brown, P. André, S.I. Brown, E.J. Wright, G.J. Florence, A. Cuschieri
BioMedical Research International # 526512+8 (2013)





A Water-Soluble Temperature nanoProbe based on a Multimodal Magnetic-Luminescent nanoColloid
S. Chen(5), C. Hoskins, L. Wang, M.P. MacDonald, P. André
Chemical Communication 48, 19, 2501 (2012)



Colloidal Syntheses of FePt nanoParticles (Review)
S. Chen(4), P. André
International Journal of nanoTechnology 9, 1-2, 39 (2012)





Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Liquid Bistable Memory Devices
J.C. Ribierre, T. Aoyama, T. Muto, P. André
Organic Electronics 12, 11, 1800 (2011)



Computational Thermochemistry of Iron-Platinum Carbonyl Clusters
M. Bühl, H. Früchtl, P. André
Chem. Phys. Lett. 509, 4-6 158 (2011)



Influence of Ionic Liquid on the Crystalline Structure of nanoColloids
 S. Chen(3), M. J. Muldoon, Kris Anderson, P. André
CrystEngComm, 13, 10, 3330 (2011)



Inhomogeneous Composition of Alloyed Iron-Platinum Magnetic nanoParticles Synthesized at low Temperature
 S. Chen(2), D. MacLaren, R.T. Baker, J. Chapman, D.J. Cole-Hamilton, S. Lee, P. André
Journal of Material Chemistry 21, 3646 (2011)



Synthesis of Hybrid Dendritic Molecules with Diazaphospholidine Oxide Grafted at the surface of Octavinyl-silsesquioxane (OVS)
 C. Ge, A.M.Z. Slawin, N.R. Vautravers, P. André, R.E. Morris, I.D.W. Samuel, D.J. Cole-Hamilton
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 9, 4, 1189 (2011)





Engineered Biocompatible nanoParticles for in vivo  Imaging Applications
S. Chen(1), L. Wang, S. Duce, S. Brown, S. Lee, A. Melzer, A. Cuschieri, P. André
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 42, 15022 (2010)





Fluorescence Activation of a Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane in the Presence of Reducing Agents
N.R. Vautravers, P. André, D.J. Cole-Hamilton
Journal of Materials Chemistry 19, 26, 4545 (2009)



Novel Diazaphospholidine Terminated Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane in Styrene and Vinyl Acetate Hydroformylation: Synthesis and Modelling studies
N.R. Vautravers, P. André, D.J. Cole-Hamilton
Dalton Transactions 18, 3413 (2009)



Synthesis and Lanthanide-Sensing Behaviour of Polyfluorene/1,10-Phenanthroline Copolymers
J. Ritchie, A. Ruseckas, P. André, C. Münther, M. Van Ryssen, D.E. Vize, J.A. Crayston, I.D.W. Samuel
Synthetic Metals 159, 7-8, 583 (2009)



Synthesis and Characterization of Photoluminescent Vinylbiphenyl Decorated Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane
N.R. Vautravers, P. André, A.M.Z. Slawin, D.J. Cole-Hamilton
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 7, 4, 717 (2009)





Hybrid Dendritic Molecules with Confined Chromophore Architecture to Tune Fluorescence Efficiency
P. André, C. Ge, A. Ruseckas, T. van Mourick, H. Früchtl, J.A. Crayston, R.E. Morris, D.J. Cole-Hamilton, I.D.W. Samuel
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 51, 16382 (2008)


Before "full" Research Independence



Solution Properties of a Fluorinated Alkyl Methacrylate Polymer in Carbon Dioxide
J. Guo, P. André, M. Adam, S. Panyukov, M. Rubinstein, J.M. DeSimone
Macromolecules 39, 9, 3427 (2006)



Solubility Study of Fluorinated Polymer and Block-Copolymer in Compressed CO2
P. André, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, D.K. Taylor, B. Boutevin
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 37, 2, 263 (2006)



Light Scattering Study of Polydimethyl Siloxane in Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
P. André, S. L. Folk, M. Adam, M. Rubinstein, J.M. DeSimone
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108, 45, 9901 (2004)  



Macromolecular Surfactants for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Applications: Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Block Copolymers Prepared by Nitroxide-Mediated Radical Polymerization
P. Lacroix-Desmazes, P. André, J.M. DeSimone, A.V. Ruzette, B. Boutevin
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 42, 14, 3537 (2004)



Dipolar Response of Metallic Copper Nanocrystal Islands Studied by Two-Step Near-Field Microscopy
P. André, F. Charra, P.A. Chollet, M.P. Pileni
Advanced Materials 14, 8, 601 (2002)



Resonant Electromagnetic Field Cavity between Tip and Substrate
P. André, F. Charra, M.P. Pileni
Journal of Applied Physics 91, 5, 3028 (2002)



Mesostructured Fluids: A Geometrical Model Predicting Experimental Data
P. André, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
New Journal of Chemistry 25, 4, 563 (2001)



P. André, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 89-90, 155 (2001)



Mesostructured Fluids: Supra-Aggregate Made of Interdigitated Reverse Micelles
A. Filankembo, P. André, I. Lisiecki, C. Petit, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
Colloids & Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 174, 221 (2000)



Supra Aggregation: Microphase Formation in Complex Fluids
P. André, A. Filankembo, I. Lisiecki, C. Petit, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
Advanced Materials 12, 2, 119 (2000)



Mesostructured Fluids: 2- Microstructures and Supra Aggregation
I. Lisiecki, P. André, A. Filankembo, C. Petit, J. Tanori, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103, 43, 9176 (1999)



Mesostructured Fluids: 1- Cu(AOT)2-H2O- Isooctane in the region oils rich
I. Lisiecki, P. André, A. Filankembo, C. Petit, J. Tanori, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, B.W. Ninham, M.P. Pileni
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103, 43, 9168 (1999)



Diffusion of Near Surface Defects during the Thermal Oxidation of Silicon
J.-J. Ganem, I. Trimaille, P. André, S. Rigo, F.C. Stedile, J.R. Baumvol
Journal of Applied Physics 81, 12, 8109 (1997)