Banner St Andrews
Landscape: St A Town and Sea
University of Edinburgh
Sapienza Universita di Roma
PAscal (2009)
Dhanapriya Dhanapriya (2010)
Ewha Woman University (Seoul-Korea)
PbSe nanoParticles IFFT Pattern
Heriot Watt University
Queen's University Belfast
Scottish Funding Council
PAscal (2007)
Organic Semiconductor Centre
St Andrews University
Location St A - UK map
View of St A and Towards the Sea
View of St A from West Sand
HnC Logo
Sea from St Andrews View of a Beach around St A
View of Castle Sand at St A
View of St A under the Sun
View of Market Street at St A
View of St A Cathedral
View of the Harbour of St A
Royal Society
Colloidal InN nanoTubes
PbSe nanoParticles Absorption Spectra
ZnO nanoRods
ZnO nanoRods
ZnO nanoRods
Colloidal CdSe nanoParticles Colloidal CdSe nanoParticles
Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles
Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles Colloidal PbSe nanoParticles
PbSe nanoParticles
Silver nanoParticles
Silver nanoParticles
Silver nanoFibres
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver nanoParticles
Colloidal Silver Cubes-Pyramids-Rods
Micelles & Surfactants
Micelles for Colloidal Syntheses
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp Dendrimer
POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer
POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer POSS-vbp-N Dendrimer
Dendron Dendron
Dendron Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Vinyl Biphenyl based Dendron
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Inorganic Dendrimer Core Inorganic Dendrimer Core
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Dendrimer
Shu (2008)
University of St Andrews
Colloidal Silver Cubes-Pyramids
University of Glasgow
Inorganic Dendrimer Core

On a short time scale, the last communications are sometimes the most relevant leading to an anti-chronological organisation...

... even thought a better and broader picture including expertise, risks and evolutions across scientific fields can only be seen when looking at all communications regardless of their chronology...

  • Publications  (Contributions & not Peer-Reviewed Proceedings)

Other sources could be

... even though the metrics, which could be extracted from these last three, are to be taken with a pinch of salt... as it has been explained numerous time already in various publications and related discussions.
If you are not aware of the caveats yet, you can have a look for intance to the following exemples (1  & 2 ) among plenty of others including mobility, funding, ressources, etc...

As often, "the more publications one contributes to" is unlikely the same as "the more one contributes to publications", and while the above metrics migth provide a few (different) numbers of publications, none of them are related to contributions in terms of both amount and quality.